Applying CUFFs for band to pouch attachment.

Why Cuffs for attachment. You can tie bands to pouch with waxed cord, amber tape, or others. I have had cord come untied. I have never had a problem with Cuff attachment!

First, the materials required. You need a pair of latex band material, cut to desired length and taper. You need a pouch for the desired ammo size. And small tubbing. 2040 is a good size, however, it is much cheaper to order a 5 set of tube sets on Amazon for $12

I have a fixed set of needle nose plyers attached to a clamp system to open the tube

Need details on the Jig?

The clamp is reversed, so they open the needles

Now fold the pouch, and pushed it down through the opened tube.

This smaller pouch has small holes, so rolling the band set makes it easy to push through

Now, fold once, or twice for tri fold. Now fold the band over the pouch end, grip and pull up through the tube.

Release the clamp / plyers and gently pull band and tube from plyers.

Repeat for the other side. With a little forethought, both bands can end up laying the same direction. These have been stretched 3 x. I would not be a bit concerned to shoot these, but I shoot 7/16

With frame clamped to table, end of band at zero, relaxed at 10.5 inch

Stretched to 21″ is a 2x stretch. I can pull another ~10 inch’s, much farther than normal.

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